Friday, April 02, 2010

Always a Count for Variable Change

After attending Friday's prayer, I am in my university and my fellows are gone to home because they think other department which take class with us has a paper so class will not be held today then WHY i am waiting for starting a class?
Answer is simple ONES i hear a quote in a movie "21" that was "Always a Count for Variable Change". I am not too much good in counting but i try to apply this quote in my life and i really got some success by applying this.for example as i said i am in university right now and i don't know whether a class held today or not .but i am in the university WHY?... their is a reason
*there is 50 50 chance that i take a class.mean 50 50 chance i can get some knowledge by taking the class.
*if i gone to home then 100% chance that i can't take a class.
*that means if i reverse this thing like i stay in university then i have 100% chance that i can take class mean i can get some knowledge :D how's that.
yup! class not held and this is now only 5 min left by ending class time . . . But my count is right because i got a Knowledge or you can say information about the great poet and story Writer "Hans Christian Andersen" which has 205Th Birthday to day. Happy Birthday Christian.


  1. Areeb, you are a crazy guy, but i like you, and i like what you are doing here. So, please keep up this blog thing of yours, i like what you say, and i will keep coming here to read something new.
